Tuesday, October 03, 2006

Sword Complexion

The family went back up north this morning, taking Nick and Laurelle with them. I guess they're all staying in Hamilton overnight and travelling the rest of the way tomorrow. I gave Jonny his birthday present just as they were leaving - some Seinheiser earphones. His birthday isn't for another four weeks but I won't be seeing them till Christmas when I go up north with Matt and Lish - and get some trout fishing in while I'm at it ^^

I hit 60 with my warrior yesterday. Gametime: 9 1/2 days. That's my best yet; but really, I'm not surprised, considering I have levelled two Alliance characters to 60 prior to that. So yeah, three level 60 characters. I used to think that anyone with more than one end-game character played too much :/

I played my sexy human rogue today. She's level 10 now :p I originally intended the character as a bank toon but gave her a proper name anyway. Now that I have a dedicated gnome bank I can play my rogue as a regular character. I may never level her to 60 but I can at least try to get as high as I can before The Burning Crusade is released; because then I'll be trying to get my mage to 70 XD

We managed to get Nefarian to phase 2 on Sunday night, finally. It took us three weeks just to get this far, but at least we now know that our method works; apparently the next two phases are easy compared to controlling the first part. Phat lewts, here we come!

Saw an awesome mace-specced rogue video today. With mace spec, the rogue has a chance to stun their enemy, therefore giving them yet another advantage. This guy was pwning two Horde players at once, regardless of class - yes, even locks and shammies :s GG Alliance rogz ^.^ Too bad he was beaten by a friendly mage, hunter and paladin, each duelling separately. It just goes to show that even skilled players don't always win - and this guy was employing every trick available.

There's an early maintenance tonight. The servers shut down much earlier than usual. I didn't get a chance to pvp with Nick's rogue, Zanith, again. He wanted me to get some more honour to push him through to rank 8. As for my mage, since I haven't pvped in like a month, I should rank down to rank 6 this week. I'm not fussed. PvP is a thing of the past. I really need to grind out as much Cenarion Circle rep as I can to get my sword ^o^

Essay writing tomorrow. Yay. Actually, it's good to plan assignments like that. It's a goal to work towards and allows me to really focus on what I shoul be doing.

Stargate Atlantis is going well; I'm up to episode 9 of the first season. But right now, it must be time to go watch a movie. Or something :p


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