Friday, August 18, 2006


Back in the day, we used to play Counterstrike all the time. It was as close to realistic - but fun - military operations as you could get in a game. First person shooters, as action games, have always been a huge thing for me - but with WoW taking up most, if not all of my free time, when can I ever play them? There really are some cool games coming out still - nothing that stands out for me right now, but I'm sure that within the next year some awesome titles will be released. I'm just hanging out for the Burning Crusade expansion for WoW ^^

Two weeks off now. I've got to get through work tomorrow and playing the drums at church on Sunday night - then it's freedom for a whole five days. I'll try and get my warrior to level 56 by the end of the week, lol.


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