Tuesday, August 08, 2006

Ryu no Shin desu

What's so great about fighting Onyxia? Only the chance to get my Tier 2 head piece: [Netherwind Crown]. And a chance to get an 18-slot bag and the [Head of Onyxia], which, when turned in, yields a rather respectable item: [Dragonslayer's Signet]. We do her every reset, which is every five days. It could be months before I get the head.

Ok, I give up. I keep getting disconnected. We had some nice PvP going in Silithus and I kept lagging out and disconnecting from the server. So much for sneaking in that last little bit of honour before maintenance tonight. Why, oh why, did my brother have to blow the cap this month?

I took today off as well as yesterday. With the weather the way it is, it probably wouldn't have helped with my recovery - actually, going out at all, regardless, wouldn't have helped. I'm not 100% yet, but I'm definitely going to have to go in tomorrow. Missing three lectures, a tutorial and two movies isn't the best way to start any week.


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