Thursday, September 07, 2006


I know I've posted this image before, but my hunter finally got his [Rhok'Delar, Longbow of the Ancient Keepers]. I took down Solenor, the fourth and last demon in my quest to get this uber hunter bow (and its counterpart staff). This will make farming with my hunter a bit easier. Now all I need are six more epics from Molten Core, haha.

We took down the first four bosses in BWL tonight. That's our first time to make so much progress in one night. Razorgore took two attempts (lost all our warriors the first time, for some reason); Vaelastrasz took three or four (things just wouldn't go our way); Broodlord we took down on our first try, as usual; and Firemaw only took us two attempts! We really are getting better at this. This means that we will be starting on AQ40 in two weeks' time!

I've officially quit PvPing with my mage. Knight-Captain, Rank 8, isn't such a bad achievement. I only progressed 15% this last week and so realised that the grind to the next rank is just too much for me to handle. Better that I take my warrior to 60 and get more reputation and the rewards that different factions offer, to better function in our guild raids. PvP will still be fun from time to time, but it is no longer going to consume me during my gametime. Instances and unfinished quests, here we come ^^


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