Monday, March 20, 2006


I was really tired today. To make matters worse, now I have a splitting headache and I really don't feel like writing anything. Couple that with the fact that nothing of interest is coming to mind, and I foresee a lot of white space.

Here's something I wrote a long time ago (18 Sep 2004, according to the creation date of the text file) - it may seem a little... dogmatic - and my views may not be quite so stubborn now - but it was an interesting time and so makes for an interesting read. Enjoy. Or shake your head in disbelief. Whatever you feel is the best reaction XD

"If two people of the opposite sex form a mutual relationship with each other without the express intent to commit to a life-long marriage covenant, it's wrong. Not just from a theological point of view, but there are many natural reasons why this can be detrimental both to your self: to your soul, your psyche and your sensitivity; and to your future, marriage-bound commitment.

"Too many young people today, even in the Christian church, get into relationships with members of the opposite sex at an inappropriate age or time in their lives. Such decisions to "hook up" reflect a lack of patience, self control and trust in God for the best plans for their life. Short term fulfillment is not real contentment and cannot be spiritually healthy. God's timing is just and provides us the opportunity to develop fruit in our lives. If we jump the gun and make flesh-driven decisions then how can God truly have free reign to honour our commitment to him? The enemy has a firm hold on instant gratification -- why should our young people dance to his tune? It's the same counterfeit principle that's been used since the mouth-watering fruit on the tree of the knowledge of good and evil was snatched up and consumed at the dawn of history.

"STI's and pregnancy are perhaps the two most influencing factors that disuade people from sexual relations, but these fears are only on a physical level -- that aside, the most intimate soul-binding act of sexual intercourse is not the only thing that pre-marital persons should be avoiding. There are also emotional, intellectual, spiritual, and willful problems that many people, even those raised in a spiritually healthy environment, fail to take into account when regarding dating and forming one-on-one relationships with a member of the opposite sex. Cross-gender relationships are both important and healthy, but devotion to a single person without the maturity or intent to make a life-long commitment to _is_ dangerous; in all of these areas, not just from a physical perspective.

"There is a far too relaxed view on moral behaviour with regard to sex in our society. That the youth within the Christian church are so easily beguiled and influenced by "what everyone does" and what is acceptable in the immoral eyes of wordly youth, just doesn't make sense -- especially from a Christian witness point of view. It's about time born-again teenagers in our nation began living with an eternal goal in mind: living in righteousness and purity with utmost respect for each other and without the physically inherent urge to form exclusive heterogender relationships. There needs to be a realisation of the importance of God-ordained marriage and how immature relationship decisions can dramatically affect this. Experimentation of the unknown can be important in forming conclusions, but personal experience is not necessary when the dangers and lasting effects are already expressed so clearly.

"Putting ourselves into tempting positions is tempting the tempter himself. Satan will take any opportunity he can slip his fingers into to make us slip up. When we give the forces of darkness a foothold in an area of our lives that is so deep and binding as sexual relationships, we are not living according to Scripture -- according to wisdom -- according to the optimum fulfillment that God would lead us into."

When you lead such a boring life as mine, it's not surprising when nothing at all happens in your day that is worth mentioning. It went: work, tea, xbox. Yay. I did have trouble on the third stage boss on Ninja Gaiden Black, though. He took me a few tries. I just slashed the crap out of him at the end. Screw the "strategy".

And thus ends the beginning of yet another week. /sigh


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