Tuesday, March 21, 2006

Say: 'kim-chi' XD

I love nachos. It's a pity it costs so much for everything it takes to have good nachos. Still, nothing beats nachos, salsa, sour cream, mince and cheese ^L^

While I was making tea tonight, someone knocked on the door. I found a Korean lady standing there and she asked if we had a corkscrew bottle opener (no, we don't) - I determined that she was from Korea then greeted here (안영 하세요) and told her I speak a little Korean (나는 한국어를 조금 알하요). I don't think she was all the impressed with my mastery of the language. But... we try ^^

Turns out that three young Korean women have been living right next door (as in, their door is one metre away from ours) for the last month - well, there are three that live there now but apparently one of them moved in yesterday or something. The lady that came to our door is a friend who was just visiting. There was a fifth person - another friend - and she spoke the most English of them all.

How do I know all this? I went over after tea to find out a bit more and have a chat. Plus, hopefully I can score myself some 김치 (kim-chi). Ah, sometimes I miss Korean food - and my Korean friends.

So, it was a good way to spend my evening: talking to a couple of Korean people. I know that my own Korean speaking is very lacking. I need to practise reading a lot more as well, but it's my speaking and understanding of spoken language that is very poor. Perhaps this presents me with an opportunity to exchange languages. I know that the young ladies that live there need to work on their English and since I am such a master of this language I am more than willing to give them a hand - practice speaking, etc - and I'm sure they could take me through a little Korean.

I played Ninja Gaiden Black a lot tonight, too. The game, despite its difficulty, is just so darn fun. I reached chapter five and will probably play most nights this week. The boss fights are hard and take quite a few tries - simply because I have to figure out the best way to beat them. And this is on the easiest setting (normal)! Well, so long as I unlock all the content I can it'll be cool - not that it'll do me much good if I shoot overseas in May, since I'll be leaving my Xbox here, but ah well, we do what we can ^^


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