Sunday, August 13, 2006

About Time

Despite our net having been capped since the start of the month, I am now finally able to load the Blogging site - and even post an image! There must be a reprieve in our slow speeds - and I'm going to take this opportunity to finally catch up.

Yes, I haven't posted an entry in five days - and yes, that's teh longest time I've gone without having posted a single thing, since I began posting on a daily basis back in... March or whatever. It was during my "time off" WoW. Now I'm back into the swing of things and am trying to do too much at once /sigh

I have a test tomorrow. I was supposed to work today but they sent me home so I could go to church - well, it was a little late for that so I grabbed some groceries and came home to study for tomorrow's test. I couldn't help but play a little bit but I did sit down and go over my notes in preparation for whatever is thrown my way tomorrow. Meh, I should do ok ^^

My intention was to go to church tonight - but after studying, and watching King Arthur (the latest movie, with Keira Knightley), I'm just too tired to walk in the dark and cold to make up for having missed this morning's service - which I was going to miss anyway because of this silly grand opening. Nothing grand about it, actually. It didn't even get much busier than a regular Saturday yesterday and I'll bet the same was true of today :p

I'm just going to eat my tea and try to kick Nick off the game. Sif he can play his druid O_o


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