Wednesday, August 02, 2006

Grand Adventure

Though perhaps not the most vibrant, inspiring image on the net, this symbol of the big game of cinema represents a good portion of my afternoon - good and portion being two distinct words, as timewise my experience was merely along the lines of 1½ hours, the afternoon consisting of that and a train ride home, only to leave for work an hour later.

Suffice to say, our film assignment is coming along nicely. We now have all of the necessary photos to compile a storyboard - girl tied to chair, axe wielding maniac and all ^^

Perhaps an axe would have made for a more interesting header. Eh, why not:

Firewood, anyone?

We had the official store shift tonight. Our store has now moved ~200m north, to a bigger, brighter, more accessible location. Yay. Having to work six hours wasn't my idea of a wonderful Wednesday night. Of course, there are many things I'd have preferred. Had I mystery girl in my life, and given the choice not to work, I would have spent all hours of the evening with her and compromised running Zul'Gurub with my guild - as much as they needed me tonight. I will get her number!

A big congratulations to Catlord of my guild, Unknown, who reached Rank 14: Grand Marshal. That is a huge, huge effort and deserving of applause from all inhabitants of the Proudmoore realm. Well done for hitting the number one spot and the highest ranking position in all of PvP-dom.

I wrote a poem and some thoughts last night. This morning. Yesterday morning :p
May post up the poem tomorrow night (tonight) if I remember to. Friggin late posting. Will never display my close, personal thoughts on the Internet. They are for my benefit - a much needed release of emotion. The only person who may read such thoughts does not yet hold the appropriate title o_O


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