Monday, August 21, 2006

Do Something

Whenever I play too much, my brain shuts down to the point that I think and think - and just can't think of anything to put here. I sat on my chair, heater pulled close and just thought for a few minutes about what I could possibly write about. Nothing came to mind. What does one normally put in a blog, anyway?

How about my day:
Got up later than usual and had a headache from the previous day - Sundays have always given me headaches; I don't know why, but I have headaches 85% of the time on Sundays :/
Played my hunter for a bit - mostly trying to farm stuff.
Watched Die Hard 3: With A Vengeance.
Played my warrior.
Played my mage. Did Maraudon with Nick and his druid and then Zul'Gurub with my guild. It's our night off but we still did something - go figure.

So it got late and I had to write a blog entry. Here it is. Hope it was insightful and... something. Must get 16 Living Essences...


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