Sunday, August 20, 2006

Picture This

An image much like this is easy to conjure up in a fantasy setting. A castle with high walls, surrounded on one side by a tall cliff. Travellers, making their way towards that castle. A description of these travellers and their purpose for such a journey. The residents of the castle, the type of world that it's in - it's much easier to build a world with words and then paint it visually than to show a static image and try to describe a scene - at least, that's my opinion. Artists may think differently ^^

Of course, the best descriptive setting is in a 3D game or a movie - moreso a game, where you can explore and experience everything; whereas with a movie, you are restricted to what the director allows you to see and hear.

Got some good NR* gear for my mage this afternoon. No PvP, though. It just won't pop. This new patch is so going to change that. I raid more now, though. Only really started PvPing because I wanted something else to do in the game when I was unguilded ^^

*Nature Resist


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