Wednesday, July 19, 2006

Beneath A Steel Sky

The streets were slick with the rain as it came down more than lightly. Small rivulets threaded their way between various objects, running into gutters and covering the entire surface with a sheen that reflected the city's lights. The walk downhill didn't cause too much trouble as the pavement surface was pitted and uneven, giving more grip than the water could take.

The sun was up - somewhere. It must have been. Hiding behind a few grouped clouds, perhaps. What little good it was hiding its face, and its much needed warmth, from everything. The air was damp but also rather frigid, causing breath to come out in puffs of mist. And in this cool afternoon air, one was glad to be walking downhill towards a destination, hood up and waterproof overclothes barring the rain from making any impact and causing any discomfort.

Once true shelter was reached, it was just a matter of throwing back a hood, unzipping a jacket and striding resolutely towards the waiting train. The journey home would begin in 15 minutes. Time could be killed in exactly the same way as on the journey itself: by reading a book. A dry ride in a warm carriage with obligatory reading material; a fine end to another day in the world of lectures and notetaking.

10K honour. Not bad ^^


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