Monday, July 24, 2006

The Right Idea

If I leave my entry too late my brain shuts off and I can't come up with anything at all. Right now, I'm quite tired from the weekend. It's not too late but I'm still tired and hope to get to bed earlier than usual. I should have PvPed with my mage but instead I levelled my warrior to 49. Yay.

What happens to the writer who fails to write every day? Or cannot think of a single thing of interest? Or begins to write and comes up against a brick wall; impenetrable and too high to scale? Does he dip his hand into a hat of some magical description and pull out random idea #154? Perhaps flipping through a physical dictionary would work better than a random google search.

The best literature comes from an original idea that is expanded to form a plot and then an entire story, complete with characters, places, actions and events, and detail in everything. It's the initial idea that is oftentimes elusive. Not that I want to write an entire story a day - imagine that! I'd like, however, to grasp an idea that allows me to write something substantial; something encouraging, rather than falling back on this game that I spend so much of my free time in.

Creative reasoning :/


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