Saturday, July 15, 2006


Iiiiit's that time of the night again ^^

We just went through Molten Core (I know, WoW stuff. Again. But meh...), and we didn't even finish! Pathetic, really. Ah well, bit of a waste of five-odd hours, but at least my attendance is high. The more raids I attend the more chance of getting the epics I want when they drop, once I've been raiding for a while. One of the regulars eh XD

I like posting pictures. It really gives these Blog entries a little more life, especially when all I can think to write about is the game I spend most of my free time playing. I was going to vacuum today but settled for totally cleaning the bathroom and deciding that it will be ok to vacuum tomorrow afternoon, before I launch into my Sunday avo PvP. That pic above was found by typing in Soleil. Really fits with the whole talk of Molten Core though, hmmm ^^

Oh nuts, left my washing in the machine. I'd forget my head if it wasn't screwed on. Oh wait, it _isn't_ screwed on properly. Gimme a min while I go find that socket wrench ^L^

Ya, so I spend most of my day playing WoW when I have nothing better to do. I've decided to start watching another animé aside from Naruto, since I'm pretty much up-to-date with it - that, and the fact that it has been filler episodes for the last 30 or 40 weeks. Pretty pathetic, actually. I'm thinking I'll start watching Bleach. It's up to about episode 88, I think. Won't take too many months to get up-to-date with that ^^

Sunday morning. I'd better get to bed. One more stop to hand in some... hands and then I'll be a-loggin' out and writing my usualy diary entries. So much for an interesting Blog :/

Fly high

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