Monday, July 31, 2006

Pinnacle of Delight

Thought I should put up a pic of the Broodlord himself. Possibly the most humanoid of BWL bosses so far. He hits like a truck, too, apparently. I've been within range of his blast wave and that in itself is not nearly as nice as a simple slap to the face. Next stop, Firemaw.

What's wrong with the following picture:

Aside from the fact that it is obviously a Horde on a PvP server, in Silithus, with their cursor on the mage, and aside from the fact that the character in question is holding what looks like a sprig of lilac in their offhand; this is a mage with full Netherwind (as far as I can tell) - and they have [Maladath, Runed Blade of the Black Flight] - a warrior weapon for sure :/ Strangest thing I've seen all day.

I was praying this morning - as you do - and I was just talking to God about this girl at uni that has caught my eye - and more. She's absoultely gorgeous, actually. I basically asked for an opportunity to at least say hi to her (and maybe do something really bold and brash like ask for her number - despite the fact that I left my phone at home today, charging. I think the battery is finally giving out). Well, I saw her at my lecture (she came in a little late, methinks) but afterwards, she wandered over to some people that were obviously her friends, so I couldn't exactly walk up to her under the circumstances. Still, I went down to the toilet, and when I came out, who should be walking past? Bingo! She was chatting to a female friend at the time. No coincidences here; now was my opportunity! Alas, once again this braveheart fails to take that courageous step - and lets yet another opportunity pass him by. I let her walk right on past without even so much as catching her attention - or her glancing in my direction. Fool young man! But thanks God, anyway. You tried. Please be a little more patient with this inept student ^^

/sigh I'll miraculously fall into the right relationship one day. And there shall be feasting and rejoicing across the globe. I just hope it's her XD

It'll happen

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