Monday, April 17, 2006

As I Fall to Sleep

Dreams are intriguing. We can dream about everyday events in interesting ways. Actually, the main part of what we dream about is often triggered by events that occur in our lives within the past few days.

I had a headache all day today. Went to sleep mid-afternoon, and since my brain was over-stimulated, it stands to reason that I dreamt; albeit somewhat disjointed. Quite often we don't remember what we dream but can recall glimpses of the experiences we had whilst asleep. If especially memorable, it helps to write down what you just dreamt as that ensures long-term recollection. There are dreams I had years ago, parts of which I can recall even today.

God speaks to us in dreams. That's not to say that we should try and seek an interpretation every time we remember what we dreamt. However, if you dream often and vividly, chances are that it is one method that God will use to speak to you. The question is: how often do we listen to Him, whether it be through dreams or any other method? It's something that can be trained and improved upon, as with any human function.

Just the thought of knowing that what you do in a dream doesn't really have any limits, is exciting. My favourite types of dream involve flying and falling. Defying gravity in some way is often amazing. Falling provokes feelings that resemble fear at times, but the rush is something you don't often feel in life ^L^

Joel 2: 28-29 "Then after I have poured out my rains again, I will pour out my Spirit upon all people. Your sons and daughters will prophesy. Your old men will dream dreams. Your young men will see visions. In those days, I will pour out my Spirit even on servants, men and women alike."

Dream away.

Envisioning great things

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