Thursday, April 13, 2006

Blessed Assurance

It's a relief to know that I have the next four days off. Praise God for Easter XD I haven't even made plans for tomorrow. I have an inkling of what I'm going to do though - it involves computers; a lot. There is no church service because of some Joel 2 seminar in Palmerston North or something, which will be a first for me - missing church on Good Friday. There's much more to celebrate about on Sunday, though!

So what's this Easter all about? In a nutshell: Jesus, the Son of God, was crucified in Roman criminal fashion on a wooden cross. All the sin of the world was placed upon him - our redemption. His body was placed in a tomb for three days and then he defied the greatest enemy of humanity: death. The resurrection is a promise to us that we have life eternal and are forgiven of all our disobedience to God the Father, which theretofore resulted in eternal separation.

What this doesn't mean is that we can continue to live in sin, testing God's patience and expecting his grace to cover us no matter what we do. When you make a commitment as a Christian there is an expectation to repent, to recognise forgiveness and to allow the Holy Spirit to change you. It's always a choice to allow temptation to get the better of us. Taking measures to ensure that you are not put into a situation where human will is overcome is just a small part of avoiding succumbing to sinful desires.

We are expected to grow spiritually and unless certain procedures are followed - in all wisdom - then it gives the devil more of a foothold in our lives, basically giving him rights to tempt us and do his utmost to force us to fail. But in falling we are not failing. That's just what Satan wants us to think. We have already won because two thousand years ago, Jesus won on our behalf. We just needs be thankful, not forlorn because we slip.

Being mired in misery is a trick of the devil. Joy because of blessings, despite the setbacks, are what afford us clean worship and edified spirits. No one and nothing can take away our righteousness. God will be sure to judge every action and every choice we make whilst here as a part of the created world. The Bible tells us that our eternal destiny is promised but there should be a greater expectation in our eternal destination for every time we overcome the devil's attempts to undermine our holiness.

Lamb of God
Worthy is Your Name

Salvation assured


K_tigress said...

Happy Easter
Hope you have a restfull one.


Geckomayhem said...

Thanks, it's proving to be ok so far. Enjoy your Easter as well. Things must be starting to warm up over there, too.

K_tigress said...

Oh yeah we got up to around 80 today. And any ways I was kind of hoping it would be nice for Easter. It looks like God has answer my prayer. :)