Sunday, April 16, 2006

The Wonderful Cross

'Tis better to spend time with people than to rush home just so you can write a blog entry before the day ticks over. Still, relating to people is not one of my strengths, nor does it come naturally. Sure, we were created for relationship but some find that it comes easier than others. The keyboard is a much more comfortable point of interaction. Although, getting too comfortable does tend to breed apathy and narrow your point of view.

The Cross. The point of reference that depicts unlimited love, complete sacrifice and precious redemption. After we were created, we basically chose death and separation from God rather than a wonderful relationship, unhindered by bad choices. Until the Cross - the suffering, death and resurrection of Jesus, the Lamb of God who bore the sin of the entire world - we could never truly be close to God. Until the perfect sacrifice, everything else was temporary atonement - a covering.

The choice is always ours to make individually. It's all very well telling someone without much Biblical knowledge or even an interest in the Truth that it's not worth the risk to ignore God - turn or burn. But I think it's more important to realise that there is an absolute truth and that everything surrounding Jesus' sacrifice makes Salvation the most logical choice in life - and the most fulfilling.

Choose life.

Torn again

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