Friday, April 07, 2006

Chocobo Stole My Baby

What do I like? Let's break it down ^L^

Science Fiction
Literature - Ender's Game (excellent fiction), A Game of Universe (have read this standalone novel at least twice) and many other titles that are set in places that defy our physical universe and metacurrent awareness.
Movies - Star Wars (classic), Flight of the Navigator (hearkens back to my childhood), Aliens (the best alien movie ever) and a selection of other films that involve spaceships and extra terrestrials. I love movies.
Programmes - Star Trek: The Next Generation (it's all in the dialogue), Firefly (pity it ran for only half a season) and of course other programmes that fit into this genre.
Games - Knights of the Old Republic (never did finish it), System Shock 2 (one of the best games ever made!), Alien vs. Predator (Predator FTW!), etc.
Orders - Jedi Knights (feel the force!), Immortals (there can be only one!), and so on.

Literature - Riftwars, Light and Shadow, Belgarion, The Wheel of Time, Deverry, Recluce; the list goes on. Worlds of marvellous and believable design; characters who live out surreal adventures - here is where it all happens.
Movies - Dungeons and Dragons (it wasn't that bad), The Lion the Witch and the Wardrobe (allegorically alluring).
Games - World of Warcraft (I quit, remember), Oblivion (only starting to scratch the surface here).

And everything else!
Animé, Superheroes, First person shooters, Roleplaying games, Final Fantasy, Action / Adventure movies / games / books, Web Design, Reading, Writing, Drawing, Crafting, Blogging, Eating, Sleeping, Xbox / PS2... ... ...

What sparked this shortened list of life's enjoyments was my sudden desire to play Final Fantasy X. I managed to get an emulator working but it runs the game at 4fps, making play impossible. In fact, I didn't get past the loading screen. I have been sorely tempted these last two days to buy a PS2. I'd like a brand new one, for three reasons: a) new stuff is likely to last longer; b) the slimline consoles take up less space and one would be far more manageable with my setup; and c) new stuff is shiny.

And with this twitch comes the reminder that I am not far from being a Final Fantasy fanatic. Well, considering some people in this world *cough* cosplaygeeksareretards *cough*, I guess I'm quite distant from being crazy about it, but since playing FFVII in 1997/98, Final Fantasy has been hugely important to me.

From the music to character pictures and playing as many of the games as I could get my hands on (FFVII is the best, followed by FFX), I was blown away when Advent Children finally came out (only watched it twice, though), after waiting so long from the first hint of its production. Now, with FFXII on the horizon - though still very distant for us /sob - I can't help but get excited about the whole phenomenon once more - and get this itch to play FFX.

I mean, I've clocked the game, but when last I played it I was attempting to fill the sphere grid up as much as I could, especially with my three favs (Waka, Tidus and Yuna). I was the mean Blitzball champ, could hit for 65K+ with Tidus's Ultimate Weapon equipped and did 99,999 with Bahamut, whilst also having unlocked the 9,999 cap with two other Aeons. /breath

So yes, I love the Final Fantasy games and just can't wait for the twelfth instalment to come out over here. And yes, I am still going to get a PS2 but it's not imperative that it be brand spanking new. Besides, I do have other PS2 games on hand. An Xbox and a PS2 eh. Whatever will I do with so many games at my disposal.

Guess I'd better learn2play all over again.


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