I wrote the following poem almost two years ago. It's quite long but was written whilst I was still writing poetry. Haven't brought out anything new in a while. Don't worry, this wasn't my latest. Just one that I still find quite interesting. Since I have nothing of real interest to write tonight, this will have to do:
Where we belong
We are who we are
And that is all, said he
Such finer works and words
Will not express adequately
Nor surely do justice
To what truly is
And was
And ever shall be
For in contemplating thought
And extending query
With explanation few and far between
A bounty void of want
A transaction lacking description
The nearest to complete
Couldn’t be called done in the least
Neither could such demure circumstances
Allow for further furrowing
Digging into the archives
Where anarchism and rabid promiscuity
Run vaguely side by side
Driving awareness towards more basic boundaries
Than pictures full of hate
Brimming with angst
Running over to a sharp decline of truths and trusts
Over exposure presents the greatest need
Turgid halfpipes never giving way
To more narrow escapades
Or wanton troubles
Tribulation, testing to be sure
Fire and brimstone preached
Prevention from mindful circumstances, circumspect
Another downfall through irksome troubles
Iresome spindles, needlessly spinning
Threads of fate and fortune deceased
Increasing the genuine capacity
Inherent within frigid items of discourse
Ethereal lisps whisked away
Transcending a forgotten plain
Steppes of anguish, humiliation
The juxtaposition a positive hormone
Even ugly stories outshine sunless skies
Vaguely encountering stack upon stack
Of quondam literaries
Literal dimensions elegantly diffused
Woken to receive open gestures of want
Ridiculous fanfares to declare ill-begotten triumph
Hmph, stare down the barrel of envy
Tight assurance, paragon of purchase
Asking too much, too little time to spare
Pierced anew, fish-on-a-stick
Caught in the act
Clever, mind you
Manners not frowned upon
But snapped with chesirely smirks
Rubbed, oiled smooth, canvassed fair
Bravery untold, retold, undergirded
Braided tails, a tale to tell
These woodsmen without a forest
The beck and call of hounds
At the master’s service
The peak of wealth
Worldy wisdom picks up where climate cannot
Environments that allow growth
Expenditure at a minimum
An all-time low
Down with hypocrisy
Down with spontaneous rebuttal
The dangerous words of a heartless crook
Twisted discipline
Unnecessary force
Sown into a freshly ploughed field
Soon to be blooming with miracles
As nature dictates
In her uncouth but graceful front
Behind every powerful push
Waiting for an equal and opposite reaction
Lies, halftruths, deceit to curb the counterfeit
The enemy’s gate or ground or haven
Spied from afar, confined to nearer points of origin
Covered, yes, coated with indestructible contaminate
To catch a spider in its own web
Knowledge from without
Understanding from above
Docile remnants roam the earth
Redemption sought
Such a select few who know no bounds
Accorded hope, afforded decency
Pulled through and through
Needle thin, fattened calves
An idle sacrifice
Dormant, unrealistic, dead
Carved images etched in grief
Teardrops to calm the lowliest heart
Hurting within, seeking reprieve from a dynasty
Unwilling to admit defeat
Until, dipped in ink
Burrow into tomorrow
The future upheld, revealed
What fiery furnace, places to go
Astute posture, begging for more
Posthumous recognition
An eye for an eye
Patch it up with more transgression
Screw it in with less ambition
Bitten off more often than not
Choosing to beguile their elders
A smile, a taunt, a nudge here and there
Winking convulsively
Panning through silt and clay
Mired in doubt, such distance
Gleaned aspects often overlooked
Search volumes rather left shut
Up, an atmospheric rise
Pressure’s on, you know
All too well, thirsting, stretched
Company kept, walls to scale
Reach the summit
And then…?
To top it all off
Drop it, no importance there
Scarcely a moment of breath
Indrawn secrecy
Unlocked box, soaked in tranquility
Take it, leave it, show it off
Beat around the world we see
Only one thing remains
Bones rot, hair falls out
Dismissed from service
Faster than a speeding bullet
A one-way ticket
Guaranteed success
Given the choice
Who we are, what we do
All he said was summed up in one truth
One way
Eternal life
The Living Word
Flesh fades, our soul is us
Use your gifts
Present your spirit
Thoroughly cleansed
Blood that was spilt
White robes, not split apart
Whole, covered from head to toe
A pleasing aroma
The perfect sacrifice
Unduly mine, yours, theirs
In there it says it all
We are his and he is ours
The beloved takes his bride
Tim JM Gough,
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