Wednesday, May 10, 2006


My Internet got capped. Again. It's not like I want to download more than 20gb before the month is up just so my connection slows down to one packet a second (hyperbolising there, but you get the drift). It not only makes loading pages tedious (and sometimes even impossible on the first try) but lag in anything is atrocious. It's times like this that one must fall back on other forms of time occupation: offline gaming and tv episodes ^L^

I saw a really cute girl at work today*. Wow, did I just say that out loud? Actually, the guys at work have me on about two things in particular: my age (gee, is 26 really _that_ much older than, say, 21? Ok, I guess it is, but... No one's getting any younger now, are they...?), and any comments regarding attractive women (Oooh, is that lustful? Christians shouldn't lust!). God created us all, hotties included. I can admire an attractive woman just as much as the next person - but at least my thoughts aren't rife with lewdness and objectifying.

* I sold her a laptop via her father (and her grandmother was there, too - one more laptop in the works), after much deliberation, and even got her name. And her home phone number XD But... that would be breaching company policy or something, I think. People's details in the system are not for personal use. Professionalism. Meh! The thought did cross my mind though...^o^

This cold is really wearing me down. I struggled through the day with a sore throat and runny nose. I even went so far as to buy some soothing medication to try and stave off the worst of it as best I can. Ya see, I can be more personal in these entries. At least it gives me something to write about. So long as I write, this world upon which we toil continues to revolve around its radiant star.

For want of something else to write - and hey, I may even take tomorrow off work if this persistent sickness doesn't complete its cycle and leave me in peace as it soon should; though I will still go to bed at a reasonable time - and with the next World of Warcraft changes almost upon us (patch 1.11), I feel it worthwhile to mention a possible restructuring of my mage's talents. Mages and shamans are getting an overhaul. My mage has been too long without fire in her fingertips. I fear her heart may turn to the ice she so wantonly sprays around if she's not careful ^^

Possible Elemental Mage build (18/33, Fire / Ice).

Frozen cinders FTW ;)

Burning brightly

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