Wednesday, May 03, 2006

Gryphons Away

I wish I could fly.

With knees bent and hands fisted, shoulders dipped and head down, pulses of coiled power begin to pulse out in waves. The land upon which you stand ripples in anticipation as you feel the tension build to phenomenal levels. In a sudden release of unearthly energy, the ground heaves and the air parts, heat shimmering in all directions and the ground rapidly falling below your intensely accelerating form. You are airborne. You speed onward. You fly.

What is it about achieving virtual goals? From crafting a basic character to reaching levels of power well beyond your halting steps as a noob fumbling into the world. Discovering new places, unlocking new abilities, choosing a path that gives strengths in some areas whilst leaving others lacking. Performing tasks that build the profile of a hero; for a hero is what many wish they were. Perhaps in our desire to be more than we are, we reflect that in the virtual steps we take in seeking to attain pseudo-power, -recognition and -accomplishment.

Since starting to play World of Warcraft again, I have decided to finish some of the things I began before I quit. It's not like it's anything like what it was, though. Taking a two month break not only cleared my head but also allowed me to better evaluate where I was at and where I'm going. Going back to a game that was such an addiction is not a problem in itself - in taking such an extended break so suddenly, and for such a period, I have been able to set much better habits of discipline and prioritisation. The hold is no longer there - casual playing (ie. not even every day) for short periods of time (ie. perhaps an hour at most) is now, simply put, simple. The only problem lies in gathering enough interest to make it worth my while to log in at any given time.

The excitement could still be there - I'm just a bit overwhelmed with what to do right now. The difference is, I don't live the game - I allow the game to be slotted into my life at times.

Expect more regarding the World of Azeroth in the months ahead. I won't give up so easily ^L^

Scrabble for Power

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