Saturday, May 20, 2006

Last Day in the Slow Lane

Finally! Last night, I couldn't even load the Blog page, my Internet has been so poor. But no more! As of tomorrow we will no longer be capped. Right now it is still slow but I was patient enough to wait for the entry page to load. 45-min Strat run, here we come!

Not much has happened in the last two days, anyway. I just watched Batman Begins and aside from that haven't done anything of note today, so don't really have much to say about anything. Oh, did some interesting "tiling" at mum and dad's house this morning, since they have an open home scheduled for tomorrow, it being on the market and all.

Nothing else comes to mind. Such is the life of a writer. Some days you grab a thought and expand that to write a few paragraphs. Now is not one of those days. I'm tired and lacking imagination and inspiration.

At least I levelled my Undead Rogue on Frostmourne to 18 today. Ech, what a waste of time...

Timewaster extraordinaire

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