Wednesday, May 24, 2006

Wii Have Bakuretsu

My mage is now Rank 4. That's Master Sergeant. Not a high rank by any means, especially considering that the highest, Grand Marshal, is Rank 14. However, I'm pretty happy that I've managed to reach this rank considering how little PvP I actually get into - and how little we win overall, especially when we go up against such Horde as I faced with my Hunter in WSG* tonight.

*Warsong Gulch.

Imagine this:
VideoGamer Magazine brings you this exclusive interview with a well-known videogame company.

We sat down with spokesperson Ima Nidiott.

VGM: Reliable sources inform us that you have a new console in the works.
IN: That is correct. We are currently developing a next generation console that is both powerful and sexy.
VGM: What can you tell us about this new videogame console?
IN: Not much at this stage, I'm afraid. However, we can tell you that the project has been codenamed Bloodthirsty Shadow Panther.
VGM: Oooh, sounds exciting!
IN: It's a serious piece of gaming hardware.
VGM: Any ideas for an offical release name?
IN: Actually, we were thinking of calling it the Puu.
VGM: ... I'm... sure you'll sell a lot of units. Thanks for your time.

I hope you go bankrupt, Nintendo.

Exit while you can!

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