Tuesday, May 09, 2006


One thing I've always wanted is to be a Jedi. Maybe in future there will be enhancement nanobots that'll allow for improved physical and mental attributes. Jumping twelve times one's own height; moving at five times normal speed; and pulling objects towards yourself. Ha, impossible, but it's still fun to imagine.

Dark Forces
Jedi Knight
Knights of the Old Republic
Jedi Academy

All titles that deserve recognition. The oldschool days of online saber battles and deathmatches using all your wits and force power skill were awesome. Since I've been sick today and am extremely tired I just can't get into this Blog entry. Eating almost a whole packet of biscuits didn't exactly help, either /ugh.

Here's a snippet on what it means to be a Jedi:

To become a Jedi requires the deepest commitment, the most serious mind. Adherents to the Jedi way closely follow an ancient code that guides their actions in the service of the Republic. It reads, in part:

There is no emotion; there is peace.
There is no ignorance; there is knowledge.
There is no passion; there is serenity.
There is no death; there is the Force.

There is a substantial Wikipedia entry regarding the Jedi Order, as well. From its origins to the dark side, famous Jedi to the new Jedi order, if interested (as I am), you can read all about it here.

That about sums everything up that I wanted to say at this time ^L^

Feel the Force

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