Friday, June 16, 2006

To The Moon, Pally

What a waste of time. It's so hard to weigh up what is worth spending time on, according to how much time is spent on it and what the reward at the end is, and how much it will benefit you, relative to all other possible rewards and time that would be spent fulfilling what needs to be fulfilled in order to get those. Who really knows ^^

I just can't clear my head enough to think of anything for my Blog entries these days. I wish I had a girlfriend. At least I would be occupied in more ways than just the one. It's consuming me again and there's nothing I care to do to stop it. I must play :/


Wanting more


K_tigress said...

I have days like that, wishing for a bfriend est. Then thinking maybe that if I wasn't around so many couples and on a deserted island someplace, that maybe I wouldn’t think about it so much.

Geckomayhem said...

Ya, I know what you mean, Tina. Still, I'm only 26. I can't evaluate my own status according to what I see around me. Haste oftentimes leads to regret ^^