Saturday, June 24, 2006

A Well Tuned Violin

How can some people not only depict something but express it visually in such a skillful manner? There are some fanart pieces that just show incredible talent. Everyone is born with different talents, but for some, it becomes more expressive than with others. Helps to enjoy what you are good at doing, too.

Take this Tauren fanart piece, for instance. I can't even begin to imagine how the artist started this picture, let alone finished the colouring and outlinining. I'm no artist so I don't know the technical terms for everything to do with drawing, but to me, this piece is amazing.

Ya, I like to draw. I may never surpass a certain point, simply because my mind's eye to hand coordination has its limits, but I can still appreciate what I am able to accomplish - and marvel at others' works.

At least with this Blog I really don't have to worry about the intricacies of web coding. It's all there for me. All I have to do is write whatever it is that is to be written on any given day. Nothing predetermines what that will be, but once it is there, comprehensible text is added to a database somewhere and the latest Blog entry is made available with no restrictions whatsoever.

I switched from my trance music folder to my Animé OST folder tonight. As with the change of music, perhaps it signifies other changes forthcoming. At least, I hope that is the case. What tomorrow brings and what I make of it are two different things. Do I embrace what is thrown at me or brush it aside and ignore the world as best I can? Only I can answer that when the time comes; each time it comes.

Warrior: 42 ^^

Making a difference

Edit: Deja vu...?


xianfu said...

I agree everyone has their own unique talent.. ^^ witty...lolz... wat a lovely blog here... visit my blog and tell me wat do u think about it InvernoKL keep up all the good works.. rocKZ!! :p take care, xian

Geckomayhem said...

Thanks for the comments, Xian. Your Blog looks fairly interesting as well. Perhaps I need to put a little more effort into my daily posts and liven things up a little more around here.


xianfu said...

Yeah.. I do agree.. syndrome or disorder???.. I prefer syndrome.. disorder sounds like I have a disease.. ^^ lolz Tnks for the encouragement!!!.. shall find a cure to my LWS.. soon...!!!.. ^^

take care mate